There’s a common notion that in order to know how to break the rules, one has to know the rules to begin with. This blog refers to virtues and guidelines. In this context “guidelines” can substituted for tips. This means they can be applied loosely with regards to trends, common sense, and personal taste. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Guidelines should help you determine what is generally acceptable, while also giving you the freedom to bring your own personal style to it. Virtues on the other hand are supposed to keep you on the straight path and should rarely be broken; since doing so can lead to a downward spiral. I have picked the minds of a few fashion savvy individuals who have inspired me and made the art of packaging the walking brand (you) seem effortless. I will start off with my thoughts to begin with.
5 Virtues
1. Be true to yourself: You are not your fashion; your fashion exists to show off and represent who you already are on the inside and who you hope to become. In other words do not lose yourself to the external (your fashion). If you are not happy with who you are as a person your fashion won’t change that. Above all strive to become a better person by improving yourself in terms of health (mind, body and spirit), having a passion for something e.g. a hobby; through healthy mutually beneficial relationships, a worthwhile cause etc. This is important because, at the end of the day when you stand naked in front of that mirror; you will still find value in who you see looking back at you. When others finally get past your packaging (fashion) they can also truly be happy with who you are and not be disappointed.
2. Do not become a fashion victim/slave: Perhaps by now you are quite excited by all that you’ve read so far and you can’t wait to do your next shopping, read up on the next fashion article etc. Hold your horses. With all things in life it is important to maintain a healthy balance otherwise you become lost like a piece of paper in the wind, or become the fashion equivalent of an alcoholic…not sure if there’s an anonymous meeting for fashion vics.
3. Patience is a virtue when it comes to shopping: It is easy to feel like the style that caught your eyes at the Macy’s store is going to become extinct. This is where you have to exercise patience and discipline by not jumping to spend that money you don’t have. If you delay instant gratification chances are, you can either get the same item later for cheaper or at a different store for cheap as well.
4. Educate yourself: fashion education is cheap, free and priceless. All you have to do is go to a Barnes & Noble’s pick up a GQ or Lucky magazine etc.; turn to your fashion channel, observe those with a good fashion sense around you. Make friends with them and pick their brains for fashion tips. By educating yourself you become aware of what’s in style, what goes with what, what's appropriate, you might run into someone with the same tastes and have something extra to talk about. Best of all, when you finally become fashion savvy yourself you can help enlighten others.
5. Fashion is a tool and a weapon: As with all tools or weapon you should use them wisely. You can use your fashion to oppress the opposition or you can use it to inspire those who look up to you to get where you are. If you went to some really poor third world country to help victims of a disaster should you dress like a run way model to slight them?
1. Know your colors, shapes and patterns: There’s nothing as appalling as seeing a walking color riot. Not only is it visually unpleasant to the eyes it also speaks badly about your judgment or lack of it. If you are in school take a color theory class to know what colors work together, what effects they have on people etc. Someone with a good sense of color relationships but has poor fashion taste could easily be forgiven compared to someone who is wearing a popular brand in clashing colors. Vertical striped shirts can give the illusion that you are slimmer and taller compared to horizontal striped ones. Organic shapes (curves) are mostly viewed as feminine while geometric shapes (angular and hard edged) are seen as masculine.
2. Dress in the right context: This tip could be broad, hopefully this example can help. If you want to dress sporty then go for it all the way. Don’t wear a blouse with a sweat pant. It doesn’t go together.
3.Balance out what you are wearing: create balance in your outfits through colors or shapes e.g. a blue t-shirt with a blue running shoes etc.
4.Wear sizes exactly your size, or slightly above or below depending on your body size.
5.Dare to be different: By creating your style based on existing styles and trends. The key here is balance. You don’t want to blend in or stand out like a sore thumb either.
6.Mix it up: Today you may dress to kill; tomorrow you may dress to blend in, the next day you may choose to dress down or bum out as I like to say. By this you can throw on a t-shirt, sweat pants, and a pair of sneakers. Personally, I think this is a way of saying I’m free to do as I please. It also shows the different sides of you and could help you in relating to different people in different situations. It also makes you less predictable and shocks those who are used to seeing you one way when they see you suddenly go from bummed down to dressed up. Apply the same technique to style.
7.Dress for the right occasion: Don’t wear beach shorts to your pick-up soccer. It’s just tacky.
8.Accessorize: Your fashion should as much as possible stimulate more than one sense. If you wear that unusual necklace it could lead to visual observation and maybe to a touch of exploration. That wrist watch could say you value your time. The cologne or perfume can stimulate the sense of smell. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard “you smell so good” or “what are you wearing?” or even received an extended hug just because she couldn’t get enough of the smell.
9.Looking good doesn’t always mean you have to trade comfort for discomfort. Find a shoe that fits equally right and yet is comfortable as well.
10.Buy cheaper now for the future: The winter season is coming to an end so most of the winter items are likely going to be on sale. If you have the money make that purchase now instead of
Waiting for the next winter to come around; by then demand will surely affect the prices.
11.Extend your fashion beyond your clothes by learning to apply the same techniques to your work and living spaces.
12. Except in very professional settings try to avoid plain outfits because they tend to be boring and also casts the same impression on you even if you are not. Wear something that has some sort of design or text on it as it catches the eyes more and can lead to a conversation. Don't go to the other extreme of plain by wearing something that is too busy as it can look chaotic and reflect the same on you.
13.Pick a good design over a boring brand name: In my opinion I think wearing brand names is more of an ego or showboating type of thing. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing. However, I think a good design by a lesser known brand that might be cheaper would draw more attention to you than a bland design by a popular brand name. After all people would notice the design first before inquiring about the brand name.
14. Get a fashion partner in crime: Take a friend who knows fashion, a friend of the opposite sex or a gay friend (if they are fashion savvy, most tend to be, maybe that's a stereotype)shopping with you if you are not so fashion savvy. They can offer you advice and make suggestions for you. If you do go alone don't be afraid to bother the store worker or the cute girl shopping next to you for their opinion. You could even get more than their opinion if you know what I mean.
15. Donate your used clothes to good will or a younger sibling. It opens up your wardrobe and makes you feel less guilty about getting something new.
well i can see u are very educated on fashion...u know the style and sounds like you have taste..have u ever thought of working for a magazine at all..well you would be a great candidate!
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is one of the many arsenals I have in my armory. Perhaps in the future I will think about gracing the fashion world. Although that world can get very materialistic. So, I'm not sure if I would like to be constantly there and lose myself. All the same I'm open to the idea in the future.